Hey, I’m Casey! Pretty simple guy.

I’ve always loved editing video and did that professionally for ten years or so, but then found out I love animation and motion design even more.

I partnered with a friend and marketing mastermind named Mark where we’ve produced many videos and other interesting products through a company called Peer Through, and found a niche in creating technical explainer videos.

When I’m not working, I’m probably joking around with/bothering my wife Erika, hanging with family, and in recent years, fumbling through the process of being a dad to our incredibly mind-blowing toddler Myles.

If there’s any time left, I love movies, shows, and video games that make me think about things in new ways. I’m also a major fan of the holiday editions of Reese’s peanut butter cups. Not good for the dad bod but what can you do.

That’s about it, thanks for checking out my website!